Home > Products >NSK Bearings >Enhancing Performance: NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 Bearing Superior Quality
NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 Bearing Reference price (order now to get discount) : (¥) 1519
Technical Parameters:
Product Designations:
7009A5 TR SUM P3
NSK Bearings
Inside Diameter:
45mm mm
Outside Diameter:
75mm mm
16mm mm
Weight (kg):0.23
Product Properties: Seal:No Seal: Cage Type:TB - Hard Fiber Cage: Precision:Dim. Acc. P4, Run. Acc. P2: Contact Angle:25 degrees: Pairing:G - Universal Pairing: Axial Internal Clearance / Preload:GB - Medium Preload: Lubrication:Standard Lubrication
Precision Rating:
P0 P6
Bearing Material:
Bearing Steel (GCR15)
Seals Type:
NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 Extra-long-series,Enhancing Performance: NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 Bearing Superior Quality,NSK bearings Temperature resistant
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- 7004C T SUM P3
- 7016A5 TR SUL P4Y
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For more inquiry information please feel free to contact us .Thanks.
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High quality NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 bearing, Just click the button " Contact Now " to mention your purchase Requirement , Quantity and Contact Method of your requested Bearing Item No. 7009A5 TR SUM P3. then click the button " Send " The web site will make your purchasing information sent to the supplier's mailbox, who will come to contact you upon they get your information at the first time.
High quality NSK 7009A5 TR SUM P3 bearing, Just click the button " Contact Now " to mention your purchase Requirement , Quantity and Contact Method of your requested Bearing Item No. 7009A5 TR SUM P3. then click the button " Send " The web site will make your purchasing information sent to the supplier's mailbox, who will come to contact you upon they get your information at the first time.